Friday, September 30, 2011

To Africa With Love

Today I sent an email to the hospital in Africa that is taking care of Caleb Hope. I asked if there was anything we could do to help this precious little life. I am desperately praying that there is something my family and I can do. Even if it's sending diapers or little care packages. I want to be there for this little guy! I feel like this is something God is calling me to do. I have took a small step today in attempting to help. If the email doesn't work I may just have to send a care package anyways. My son has outgrown his baby clothes and I still have newborn diapers. With God all things are possible, Amen. I have this burning in my heart to help Caleb. I talked to my husband last night, he was a bit distracted. But I know that the story touched his heart. We will see what the next couple days brings us.

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