Little baby Caleb Hope that was thrown in the rubbish bin for ants to eat.
Words can not express how much this pains me to see and hear about. How could someone not want such a precious gift from God? This baby did nothing to warrant the treatment he recieved. My heart broke into a million pieces after reading this. I couldnt stop crying it took me 20 minutes to get myself under control. I prayed to God to be with this beautiful baby. I can't stop thinking about this poor baby. My mother instinct tells me to contact the people in Africa and tell them that I will take the baby. I will love him and protect him. I keep praying to God about this baby. My heart is telling me to try and help this baby. Must discuss with my wonderful husband. If I can't adopt this precious gift then I WILL find a way to help him. With God's will and his unfailing grace I am going to do my best to help this little guy have a happier life than how he started out.
This is so sad, I do hope this child makes it. Life is sacred ,he was born for a reason and God has a plan. We will keep praying for this tiny life to survive